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How to firm facial skin after losing a lot of weight

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How to firm facial skin after losing a lot of weight
How to firm facial skin after losing a lot of weight
Khushbu Kumari

After losing weight, your skin may not be able to retract as easily, which can cause the skin to sag and look older than it actually is.

After losing a lot of body weight, one of the biggest challenges is fighting sagging skin. For most people, the extra skin can create an unflattering look and feel, as well as minor health problems.

Our skin needs elasticity to recover its original shape and size after being flexed. When we lose weight, the skin will be looser in some places than others because fat is distributed unevenly under the skin.

The less collagen our body produces, the less elastic our skin will be. When your weight changes, the amount of collagen your body produces can change, which can lead to sagging and wrinkling of the skin.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body, accounting for about 30% of its total protein. โ€œCollagen is the main building block of the skin,โ€ muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments, and other connective tissues in the body,โ€ they explain.

Due to the loss of elastin and collagen , the skin of someone who has been overweight or obese for a long time will be looser after weight loss.

Someone who loses too much weight is likely to suffer from skin turgor and although it sounds like a tongue twister, this is the amount of skin tension on the skin. Healthy skin has little elasticity and little to no movement over time. After losing weight, your skin may not be able to retract as easily, which can cause the skin to sag and look older than it actually is.

Skin Firming Cream

Skin firming creams have been scientifically proven to reduce the appearance of sagging skin and wrinkles, making them one of the the most popular anti-aging products on the market. After using these creams for a while, there will be a noticeable tightening effect on the whole body.

Collagen supplements

The benefits of collagen are well known. Collagen supplementation has been shown to improve elasticity and help decrease the amount of excess tissue without the need for surgery or liposuction. If you are looking for how to tighten loose skin on your arms naturally or how to get rid of loose skin on your belly, then collagen supplements are a great option.

Endolifting Treatment

This is a non-surgical way to tighten loose skin after weight loss and a remedy for people looking for how to tighten stomach skin after weight loss. It must be performed by a professional with extensive experience in cosmetic surgery.

It is a minimally invasive ambulatory laser technique that is used in the aesthetic medicine of endotissues (interstitial). This procedure pulls back and tightens the connective septum, which stimulates the generation of new collagen by the skin.



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