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People left in fits of giggles at 'idiotic' mistake on tattoo of compass

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inking failure tattoo of compass
inking failure tattoo of compass
Khushbu Kumari

Tattoos are inked on your body to be permanent - so when these Twitter users spotted this epic inking failure they could not help but contain their laughter as the rookie mistake

When getting a tattoo, it's really important that the artist inks the design on your body correctly, as usually it's staying there forever.

From misspelt baby names to mistaken translations of Chinese proverbs - the tales of dodgy tattoos are endless.

And this woman's back tattoo with an unfortunate blunder has now got a firm place on the infamous bodged jobs list.

Eagle-eyed Twitter users spotted the mistake after a snap of the anonymous woman was posted onto account @NoContextBrits.

As she stood amongst a crowd in a white dress with a rose pattern featured over it, the upper back of the woman was exposed for all to see.

Inked onto her behind is what looks like an intricately drawn compass tattoo that sat in the middle of her back.

Despite the compass part of the body art having been beautifully drawn, the large inking had quite a big mistake.

Never eat shredded wheat, right? One of the easy ways to remember the four directions…

Well it seems like someone may have missed that class in school as the tattoo artist mixed up the letters.

Starting off with ‘N’ correctly, the artist had inked the letter ‘W’ instead of ‘E’ at the east point and vice versa.

At least they got south right too…but we wouldn't want to be following her if we got lost!

Once spotted, the case of the mistaken directions where hard to miss as many Twitter users filled the comments with laughter.

One person commented: “If you look right through her from the front, it works.”

Another user blasted: “When two idiots get hold of tattoo needle.”

Whilst a third voiced: “What an epic tattoo failure!”

Someone else giggled: “It was meant for people looking from the front.”

Meanwhile, a fifth person chuckled: “When she looks in the mirror it’s right…what’s the problem.”


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