The Great Migration: More Americans continue to move to low-tax states...
Americans are leaving states like California or New York due to high tax burdens and high costs of goods, services, rent, and more.
Americans are leaving states like California or New York due to high tax burdens and high costs of goods, services, rent, and more.
The man put the address Niagara Falls, but omitted that the GPS did not direct him to New York, but to Canada and when he found out.
The plane was registered to Encore Motors of Melbourne and its owner, 75-year-old John Rumpel, who testified that his family was flying back from a trip to North Carolina
Yanet Garcia once again made an impact on Instagram thanks to a photograph in which she shows off the imposing physique of hers; the former 'weather girl' also posed happily
Approximately 1,500 full-time public sector workers in the City of Rochester will benefit
The girl is currently being held in the Guyana Juvenile Detention Center and the charges against her have been formalized during a hearing Virtual at the Magistrates Court
On the last Monday of May, the United States celebrates Memorial Day or Memorial Day. Learn about the history of this commemoration, what it is and why it is an
The combined weight of its skyscrapers, its transport systems and the 8.5 million people who inhabit it are making it fall between 1 and 2 mm per year
Prince Harry asked the British Home Office to be able to count on police protection, even if he had to pay for it.
An investigation into the use of solitary confinement shows the frequency with which this practice, considered by some to be torture, is used in prisons in the United States
Mayor Eric Adams said that a total of 70,000 asylum seekers traveled to New York City - many of them sent by buses from red southern states - and that
The negotiation on the United States debt ceiling is at a standstill and the Biden Administration warns that, if an agreement is not reached.