Today's Horoscopes

Aries Horoscope for Wednesday, March 26, 2025
There are rather critical influences around which will tend to show up flaws and inadequacies. But if you do get pushed into a more self-disciplined mode, you will feel grateful at the end of the day because you create things that are more substantial. Luckily for the day, you should be able to turn your ingenuity to good effect. Push aside doubts and aim to inject more fun and challenge into your everyday activities.

Cancer Horoscope for Wednesday, March 26, 2025
When something needs fixed, there is no time like the present. Dithering around, putting it off or looking the other way hoping that someone else will do, is not going to work. Get cracking, push yourself over your resistance and then you will glow with satisfaction at the result. Some improvement in your finances is definitely overdue but it is either here or just round the corner. So stop worrying, and start thinking about how to build up more security for yourself.

Leo Horoscope for Wednesday, March 26, 2025
The planet positions for the day could cause some gloom. Saturn often feels unlucky, because it doesn`t bring results easily. But it does have a positive benefit in that it stops you, makes you think more realistically. Look closely at one friendship or team relationship and decide whether you reckon it is worth the effort. Close partners will have a lovely, lively, sparkly quality. So they will help jolt you out of your rut into a more positive frame of mind.

Taurus Horoscope for Wednesday, March 26, 2025
You may feel circumstances are pushing you in a way you don`t want to go. But this is really a time for facing the bottom line especially here cash is concerned and getting organized. When Saturn is around you have to lay foundations, sometimes backtrack and unpick mistakes. Luckily you`ve got a lot of curiosity so you will want to find the answers to your questions. Once you start thinking positively, you`ll find you`re picking up ideas fast.

Gemini Horoscope for Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Not everything is possible in life. Sometimes it is just a question of patience waiting till the tide turns and sometimes it is just about facing up to limitations, to what you can`t change. If you can accept one particular emotional situation now as it is, then you will find it easier to handle. At work, you may find some slower-witted mates can`t keep up with you. So maybe it`s not such a good idea to settle down to doing what other people want you to do.

Virgo Horoscope for Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Maybe you will feel cut off from certain people, and the support and encouragement you expected. Don`t sit behind a brick wall and feel sorry for yourself. That will just make things worse. You have to break out of the vicious circle and find a way of bridging the gap. Then just try to be honest in a kind way. You will be able to be yourself and be accepted as long as you are tolerant of their short comings and eccentricities as well.

Libra Horoscope for Wednesday, March 26, 2025
If you feel you`re not doing as well as you want, then give yourself a shake. Be sensible and admit if something isn`t working. Cut your losses, concentrate on your successes, change what you can, and accept what you can`t change. A definite decision to face reality will boost your spirits. Certainly this is not a day to sit around and relax. Keep on your toes, keep moving, and be energetic. A surprise invitation could make all the difference.

Scorpio Horoscope for Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Try not to get too resentful if other people are holding you back or if one cash matter seems a little bleak. Sometimes being held back has a point and a purpose. Out of what may initially seem to be setbacks can come something more useful. Flying ahead at top speed, cutting corners, isn`t always the best way to proceed. Find time to put a few minor changes in place at home. Let a breath of fresh air blow through your decoration plans or suggest a fun activity for loved ones. You want more adventure and elbow room in your intimate surroundings.

Sagittarius Horoscope for Wednesday, March 26, 2025
This isn`t a day to expect huge amounts of generosity, or support from close companions. You may have to work more on your own. But instead of getting into a gripe and a groan, see where you can use the time wisely to achieve a little more. Focus on narrow tasks that require attention to detail. There will be one or two surprises in your everyday activities at work, which will be good for you. They will help you get things in perspective. Keep an open mind and travel expectantly.

Capricorn Horoscope for Wednesday, March 26, 2025
There is a risk that you may feel a bit low. The best tactic is to face up to duty and be conscientious. What is happening may seem negative, even unlucky, but it need not necessarily be bad. You just have to get into hard-working gear. You can`t duck and dive and leave all the chores to someone else. Although you will need to loo after yourself physically. Don`t push past your limits. Better news about cash will lift your spirits.

Aquarius Horoscope for Wednesday, March 26, 2025
All of us want easier lives and tend to assume that everyone else has fewer problems. If you do feel that your life is trickier than other people`s at the moment, then it probably isn`t true. They may just be hiding it better. Accept the pressures around now as a way of holding you back in order to focus. If you concentrate you will find the answer. Luckily Uranus in your own sign will jolt you into a bouncier mindset at one point as you suddenly see a chink of light at the end of one particular tunnel.

Pisces Horoscope for Wednesday, March 26, 2025
There are rather wet blanket influences around so this is clearly not the time to be flinging yourself unreservedly into parties and or passionate clinches. Just don`t get that weighed-down feeling. Be resourceful, tackle whatever muddles or projects at home you have been pushing onto the back burner. Keep a little self-discipline in hand, because at one point you`ll find yourself rushing around rather excitably. Treat sudden inspirations with respect since they may point you in a useful direction.