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Aaron Evans fought off crocodile with razor blade teeth as beast tried to eat his arm

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Aaron Evans
Aaron Evans
Pintu Kumar

Whilst swimming in Australia, Aaron Evans was attacked by a massive freshwater crocodile which attached itself to his arm and shredded it down to the bone with its razor-sharp teeth

An Australian man who was forced to wrestle himself free from the jaws of an enormous 2-meter long crocodile which shredded his arm 'down to the bone' as revealed how he escaped.

Aaron Evans, 49, had been swimming at a popular tourist hotspot near Queensland when suddenly he felt a sharp pull on his arm.

Looking down, the dad of two found he was in the grasp of the massive freshwater crocodile which intended to make him his next meal.

However, like a typical Aussie, Aaron wasn't going to go down without a fight.

Speaking to Australian media, Aaron revealed how he made his dramatic escape albeit at great personal cost.v

He explained: "This is not the end, I’m going to fight my way out of this, I need to get home to my missus and kids."

After finding the courage to fight the monster, Aaron began the painful process of removing his arm from the beast's mouth.

He said: "I ripped my arm out of the water obviously because it was hurting and there was a crocodile attached to it.

He explained: "This is not the end, I’m going to fight my way out of this, I need to get home to my missus and kids."

After finding the courage to fight the monster, Aaron began the painful process of removing his arm from the beast's mouth.

He said: "I ripped my arm out of the water obviously because it was hurting and there was a crocodile attached to it.

After a lengthy battle, Aaron was able to free himself, but the drama wasn't over yet as he was forced to trek 1km to a helicopter - bleeding profusely from his open wounds.

He continued: "I obviously had it higher out of the water, and it was wriggling around a lot then and sort of ripping its head about, at which point I could see all the blood coming out of my arms and hands.”

“The boys that were there were the crew were fantastic in just staying by my side all the way until I got back there.”

After being taken to the hospital, scans revealed the full extent of Aaron's grisly injuries.

The crocodile had managed to bite through his arm up to the bone and he required fifty stitches.

Reflecting though, Aaron says he feels lucky.

He said: "If it had got me anywhere else but the arm, I think it would have been a very very different story, a very different story. And I don’t know if I would have been sitting here,” he said

“This hand I’ve got minimal strength in at the moment, but I’m hoping for a full recovery.”



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