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Date confirmed! Discover the best strategies to save on Amazon Prime Day 2023

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Date confirmed Discover the best strategies to save on Amazon Prime Day 2023
Date confirmed Discover the best strategies to save on Amazon Prime Day 2023
Khushbu Kumari

The discount season for Amazon Prime members starts next Tuesday, July 11 at 3:00 am EDT until Wednesday, July 12 of this year.

Each year the e-commerce giant Amazon rewards the loyalty of its members with a season of offers and discounts through Prime Day that for this 2023, it has already confirmed will take place between July 11 and 12.

It is estimated that during its promotion party approximately 2,000 products are sold per second and close to 300 million items from the first day of discounts until closing. For that reason, here we tell you what are the best strategies to save on Amazon Prime Day 2023.

The first thing you must do to take advantage of the offers is to have a Prime membership, since the discounts are for affiliates, therefore, normal customers who buy on the platform during these dates do not have the possibility of enjoying the benefits. promotions.

Now, members can take advantage of early access to exclusive discounts through for example the “register for offers only by invitation”, in In this case, those who are selected by the platform will receive notifications during Prime Day with instructions on how to buy the item at the exclusive price of the offer.

Another way to stay informed this discount season is by setting up custom alerts, this can be done through the platform in the event tab and activate alerts with the latest Amazon searches and viewed items recently.

Finally, members can configure Alexa to make notifications about convenience products and their offers, this through the wish list within the platform, the command recommended by Amazon is: “Alexa, add [name item] to my shopping list,” once this is done commands me to notify you about discounts and promotions when they are activated.

There are several memberships, in the United States Amazon Prime is $14.99 per month or $139 per year, Prime Student is priced at $7.49 per month or $69 per year with a six-month trial and Prime Access for government assistance recipients is on for $6.99 per month.

If you don't already have a subscription, you're on time as Amazon offers a 30-day trial period for those who sign up for at least a week before the event.


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