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Body positive influencer Bree Lenehan says not to trust the mirror while taking snaps.

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Body positive influencer Bree Lenehan
Body positive influencer Bree Lenehan
Khushbu Kumari

Body positive influencer Bree Lenehan has poted on instagram how fitting room lighting and mirrors can dramatically change your appearance and you shall be amazed to so the difference.

Going shopping can be a gruelling task for some – from knowing what size you are to entering the dreaded changing rooms. Many woman may have noticed that fitting rooms tend not to be so kind, and can make you feel less confident from when you first entered.

But brings this difference in the changing rom?

Australian body positive influencer Bree Lenehan has shared the answer to that - and it's all to do with the lighting and mirrors. The 25-year-old self-love preaching beauty is no stranger to encouraging women to embrace their bodies, no matter what shape or size. And, in her most recent post this is no exception.

Bree, who battled an eating disorder in the past, shared that fitting room mirrors used to be a 'trigger' for her. She told her 656,000 Instagram followers that she'd end up in 'tears' because of the way she looked trying on clothes. But over time, the influencer realised how lighting can alter your appearance. She demonstrated just show by stripping off to her undies to take a side by side snap – highlighting the difference 'soft' and 'harsh' lighting can make. Bree's skin appeared to be more smooth with the softer spotlights, whereas the harsher lighting showed off some of her skin texture.

She then wrote a lengthy caption which highlighted how her mindset has changed towards fitting rooms. Bree said: 'It can be a confronting and confusing experience trying on clothes. Seeing yourself so exposed, under harsh lighting, with mirrors showing so many angles that you usually don’t see yourself in…

"In one store, you might feel great, but the next makes you feel worse. One store you’re a size M & the next you’re an L.

"One mirror makes you look taller, another wider. The list goes on."

Continuing to open up, the self love guru said: 'This was one of the triggers I had years ago that made me suddenly want to 'start a new diet'… Fitting rooms would tear any confidence I had left to shreds. I’d always end up in tears or completely deflated for the rest of the day.

'So I wanted to leave these photos here to show you that it IS possible to eventually smile back at that reflection and not have it ruin your day.

'It is possible to not feel ashamed of being seen. It’s possible to be at peace with your body and everything you’ve grown up being taught to hate. And it has nothing to do with actually changing your body… Just your mindset!

The brunette beauty recognised that she has a smaller frame, and is just documenting her 'reality'.

She said: 'I realise I’m saying this in a 'thin' body which has its own privileges such as being able to find clothes in sizes that fit me stereotypically fitting the beauty standard. But I can only showcase my reality and I’d rather do that than portray perfection.

'I know that most of the time, our own harshest critic is OURSELVES, so when it comes to our body image, it’s about how WE view & speak to ourselves", she said.

'You deserve your own kindness. When you get down about your appearance and dream of the “perfect” body, please remember there is no such thing… No matter what you see online!! Under different lighting, lenses, angles and poses, you’ll always look different. But one day, you’ll look in the mirror to see the same body that has kept you alive for 80 years…

'It won’t look the same, but you’ll realise the way it looked never really mattered, you’ll just be grateful it’s your home", Bree declared.

It seems that her body positive message has resonated with her fans.

One person commented: 'So so so true Bree!", while another user added: 'Thank you for bringing me positivity."

And a third voiced: 'You are a treasure on this app I swear. Thank you soooo much for this!!".


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