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Entire families flee Chiapas due to forced recruitment by cartels

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Entire families flee Chiapas due to forced recruitment by cartels
Entire families flee Chiapas due to forced recruitment by cartels
Khushbu Kumari

Inhabitants of Chiapas revealed that armed people have entered the houses to recruit young men under the threat that if they do not do so they will be killed

For several decades, residents of some areas of the Mexican state of Chiapas have been victims of forced displacement, as they lived devastated by paramilitary groups or inhabitants with ideas contrary to them, but now it is organized crime that forces them to flee their communities, as the cartels recruit them against their will.

The Aristegui Noticias website published that on Thursday, May 25, there was a mobilization of several families from the Frontera Comalapa municipality, who fled when they were in the middle of the confrontations between the Sinaloa Cartel and the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG) who they dispute control of the territory.

It was the day before when the attacks between organized crime groups intensified and, according to testimonies from people who managed to escape, armed people have entered the houses to force the young men to participate in the confrontations, under the threat that if they do not do so they will be assassinated.

Faced with this situation, the residents tried to demonstrate to ask the federal government for help and thus stop attacks, but were forced to withdraw. Due to the crisis experienced, all businesses closed.

Meanwhile, residents of various communities asked for help by phone

But the horror was also manifested in writing, as these groups left legends on some fences and canvases, identifying themselves as CJNG, and threatening people they consider to be from the Sinaloa Cartel.

Clashes and bans

How to It happens in the drug war in all the states, the confrontations were present, in addition the accesses in several highways and roads were blocked. Residents reported that the cartels used trucks to do so.

Homicides, kidnappings, human trafficking, disappearances and confrontations are increasingly common in Chiapas. According to Expansión Política, the shootings take place in various places, in front of anyone, including tourists.

The outlet points out that in addition to the Sinaloa and Jalisco cartels, the Mara gang operates in the state Salvatrucha, which intensifies violence in several regions of the entity.

According to the Secretary of National Defense (Sedena), criminal organizations obtain their economic power from drug trafficking, money laundering, floor collection, human and arms trafficking.



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