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These jobs are already disappearing because of Chat GPT and Artificial Intelligence

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These jobs are already disappearing because of Chat GPT and Artificial Intelligence
These jobs are already disappearing because of Chat GPT and Artificial Intelligence
Khushbu Kumari

Companies are using Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT to increase their profit margins and reduce their staff.

In recent years, the advancement of artificial intelligence has generated growing concern about its impact on the world of work. As technology continues to develop, it has been observed how some jobs are gradually disappearing due to AI-driven automation. This trend has led some companies to lay off employees in order to implement AI systems and maximize their profit margins.

One of the clearest examples of this situation has been evidenced in the field of advertising writers. These professionals used to be responsible for creating press releases, social media copy, and other promotional content. However, many companies have chosen to reduce their staff and replace them with artificial intelligence systems that can generate content automatically and efficiently.

Dean Meadowcroft, a seasoned copywriter, was one of those affected by this trend. For years, he was responsible for writing persuasive and creative messages to promote products and services. However, his job was threatened when his company decided to implement an AI-based solution for ad content generation.

Meadowcroft reflects on his experience with these words: “At first, I thought it was funny that AI could replace writers or affect my work, until it happened.” His testimony reflects the personal and professional impact that automation can have on workers,

However, the Dean Meadowcroft case is just one example of a broader trend. According to a report published by Goldman Sachs earlier this year, AI is estimated to have the potential to replace the equivalent of 300 million full-time jobs. This number is an alarming reminder of the challenges facing the workforce in an increasingly technology-driven world.

While automation and artificial intelligence can offer benefits in terms of efficiency and productivity, it is also crucial to address the social and economic implications of these advances. It is necessary to look for solutions that allow a just transition for the affected workers, such as the reassignment of skills and training in emerging areas. In addition, it is important to encourage collaboration between humans and machines, taking advantage of the strengths of each one to create a more balanced and sustainable work environment.


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