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Twitter users will soon be able to enjoy encrypted direct messages and video chat

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Twitter users will soon be able to enjoy encrypted direct messages and video chat
Twitter users will soon be able to enjoy encrypted direct messages and video chat
Khushbu Kumari

Elon Musk wants Twitter to have direct messages and video chats protected with encryption so that users can communicate with total security

Elon Musk announced Monday to Twitter employees that he wants to implement changes to Twitter regarding direct messages. This includes adding end-to-end encryption to messages, which would provide an additional layer of security for user communications.

Musk's announcement to the workers is part of what the businessman himself defines as Twitter 2.0. The inclusion of encryption in Twitter would also include having a new function for video calls between accounts, which should also have encryption.

“We want to allow users to be able to communicate without worrying about their privacy, without worrying about a data breach on Twitter causing all their DMs to hit the web, or thinking maybe someone on Twitter might be spying on them. in their DMs. Obviously, that is not going to be good and it has happened several times before," Musk said during the meeting with employees of the social network.

The businessman's comments have support because it is known that in the past some attackers have managed to gain access to private messages sent by users. The most recent example of this occurred when a former Twitter employee accessed the information of a user in Saudi Arabia.

Elon Musk stated that his intention is that with the new system only users can have access to their direct messages, to the point that if someone tried to force him, as the owner of Twitter, to reveal the information, he would not be able to.

He said there's a chance Moxie Marlinspike, creator of the Signal app and a former Twitter employee, could offer help getting the encrypted messages up and running.

“Ironically, Moxie Marlinspike worked at Twitter and actually wanted to do encrypted DMs several years ago but was denied and then went and created Signal,” he said.

However, for now it is unknown if Musk's plan to collaborate with the creator of Signal would also imply a collaboration between Twitter and his application, something that could speed up the implementation times of the improvements he has in mind.

Although Musk has said that he plans to turn Twitter around and turn it into a super application, almost a month after his arrival as president of the company, he has been able to achieve little, beyond the massive layoffs of workers and the continuing problems generated by Twitter Blue.



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