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The US will monitor with electronic shackles families detained at the border and subject to curfew

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The US will monitor with electronic shackles families detained at the border and subject to curfew
The US will monitor with electronic shackles families detained at the border and subject to curfew
Khushbu Kumari

President Joe Biden has predicted that the US-Mexico border will be “chaotic for some time” once pandemic-related restrictions, called Title 42, are lifted.

Families caught irregularly crossing the southern border of the United States will be monitored with an electronic shackle and subject to a curfew while authorities review their cases.

The government will take this measure in order to ensure that families appear for credible fear interviews, which determine if they have a case to present asylum, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Service (ICE) said in a statement on Wednesday.

Families who receive a negative response after submitting to a credible fear interview will be deported within 30 days, the statement said.

This new US government program only applies to families who come from countries to which there are deportation flights and who reside in Newark, Washington, Baltimore and Chicago, according to the LA Times.

According to the newspaper, the restrictions implemented in the COVID pandemic have allowed the US authorities to expel migrants quickly, and have done so 2.8 million times since March 2020. But after the restrictions expire on Thursday, the migrants Those who are detained after having crossed illegally will not be able to return for five years. If they do, they may face criminal prosecution.

However, even with the restrictions in place, border crossings have climbed to all-time highs.

The move announced Wednesday is a key part of the US strategy. Short of imposing a total ban, the measure places strong limitations on asylum for those who cross illegally and have not first sought legal access. It also has a margin for exceptions and does not apply to children traveling without an adult. It was first announced in February and goes into effect on Thursday.

The US is “committed to imposing greater consequences on those who cross irregularly (the border) in a humane and safe manner,” said Corey A. Price, a senior ICE official.

The government of President Joe Biden is preparing these days for the lifting of Title 42, a health regulation that allows the expulsion of migrants at the border.



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