Akira Toriyama, the legendary creator of ‘Dragon Ball’, died at the age of 68...
Acclaimed artist Akira Toriyama began his career at 20, and was also the genius behind the manga 'Dr. Slump'
Acclaimed artist Akira Toriyama began his career at 20, and was also the genius behind the manga 'Dr. Slump'
Septian Raharja, 34, died unexpectedly in the middle of a friendly soccer match in an amateur league in Indonesia.
Poonam Pandey, the 32 years Bollywood actress and Influencer who has been seen in various acts ranging from family drams to public nudes, faked her death due to cervical cancer.
Demi Rose pleased her followers on Instagram with a collection of spectacular photos that show her by the sea; The British influencer also revealed what her favorite food is...
The Department of Homeland Security had ordered the state of Texas to stop blocking Border Patrol access to approximately 2½ miles of the US-Mexico border.
The WWE in its most philanthropic state decided to renew the contract of one of its most beloved stars who recently died in order to be able to cover the
Jane Carter, Bobbie's mother, asked for privacy to process this painful moment.
Work-related deaths caused by cardiovascular diseases represent 32.3% of the total, according to the International Labor Organization
Taylor Swift shows solidarity by communicating privately with the family of Ana Clara Benevides, the 23-year-old who lost her life during her concert.
During the Alan Carr show, Adele confirmed her marriage to Rich Paul.
The National Park Service said the couple saw a tarantula crossing CA-190 east of Towne Pass and slammed on their rental van to avoid hitting it. Because of this, a
The drug can reverse an overdose of opioids such as heroin and fentanyl