Donald Trump announced that he will run for President in the 2024 elections...
The leader of the Republican Party and former President Donald Trump announced that he will present his candidacy for the Presidency for the 2024 elections.
The leader of the Republican Party and former President Donald Trump announced that he will present his candidacy for the Presidency for the 2024 elections.
The aircraft landed in Durango, so three Air Force helicopters arrived at that site, but were received with several shots.
The President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, promised to punish those responsible for the alleged terrorist attack after confirming 6 dead and more than 50 injured
Driver Maxine Woodside's son dies suddenly and these are the theories that caused her death
A recent study revealed which are the most prosperous and least prosperous US states in 2022. Most of the least prosperous states were located in the southeast, while half of
Several individuals got out of a vehicle and opened fire on a group of people, until now the line of investigation establishes that they were chasing someone and could see
A 28-year-old man is suspected of killing his ex-girlfriend, two of her relatives and another man inside a Maryland home before killing himself, authorities said.
Both issues coincide with the top priorities of Hispanic voters in the country, and in a state where 14.4 million voters are registered as of September 30.
The explosions, which took place at a Phillips Petroleum Company plant, were caused by inadequate safety procedures.
The complaints detail that the voters were followed, filmed by the observers and that they were insulted
Donald Trump is considering allowing federal FBI agents to search Mar-a-Lago again, according to CNN
Rescuers are working around the clock to locate and rescue dozens of miners left underground after an explosion in Bartin, northern Turkey.